Spatial C++ Library
Generic Multi-Dimensional Containers and Spatial Operations
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cspatial::bracket_less< Tp >A comparator that simplifies using the spatial containers with a Key type that has coordiates accessible via the bracket operator
 Cspatial::bracket_minus< Tp, Unit >This functor uses the minus operator to calculate the difference between 2 elements of Tp along the dimension n accessed through the bracket operator
 Cspatial::details::builtin_difference< typename >This internal type casting is used to resolve a built-in compare functor (provided by the library) into a built-in difference functor
 Cspatial::details::builtin_difference< accessor_less< Accessor, Key > >
 Cspatial::details::builtin_difference< bracket_less< Key > >
 Cspatial::details::builtin_difference< iterator_less< Key > >
 Cspatial::details::builtin_difference< paren_less< Key > >
 Cspatial::details::condition< bool, Tp1, Tp2 >
 Cspatial::details::condition< false, Tp1, Tp2 >
 Cspatial::details::Const_node_iterator< Link >A bidirectional iterator traversing all node in the tree in inorder traversal
 Cspatial::container_traits< Tp >The traits type for all containers in the spatial namespace
 Cspatial::container_traits< const Ct >
 Cspatial::container_traits< Ct >
 Cspatial::details::Dynamic_rankThe dimension value is stored by a member of the object, but can be modified at run time
 Cspatial::enable_if_c< B, Tp >If B is true, spatial::enable_if has a public member typedef type, equal to Tp; otherwise, there is no member typedef
 Cspatial::enable_if_c< Cond::value, Tp >
 Cspatial::enable_if_c< true, Tp >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cspatial::hhll_layout_tagRepresents a coordinate layout for the box
 Cspatial::hlhl_layout_tagRepresents a coordinate layout for the box
 Cspatial::iterator_less< Tp >A comparator that simplifies using the spatial containers with a Key type that has coordiates accessible via iterator deference
 Cspatial::iterator_minus< Tp, Unit >This functor uses the minus operator to calculate the difference between 2 elements of Tp along the dimension n accessed through an iterator
 Cspatial::details::Kdtree< Rank, Key, Value, Compare, Alloc >Detailed implementation of the kd-tree
 Cspatial::details::Kdtree< details::Dynamic_rank, const Key, const Key, Compare, Alloc >
 Cspatial::details::Kdtree< details::Dynamic_rank, const Key, std::pair< const Key, Mapped >, Compare, Alloc >
 Cspatial::details::Kdtree< details::Static_rank< Rank >, const Key, const Key, Compare, Alloc >
 Cspatial::details::Kdtree< details::Static_rank< Rank >, const Key, std::pair< const Key, Mapped >, Compare, Alloc >
 Cspatial::lhlh_layout_tagRepresents a coordinate layout for the box
 Cspatial::llhh_layout_tagRepresents a coordinate layout for the box
 Cspatial::loose_balancingThis policy triggers rebalancing for the node when the difference in weight between left or right is more than a half
 Cspatial::details::mapping_compare< Compare, Node_ptr >
 Cspatial::metric_traits< Tp >The traits type for all metrics in the spatial namespace
 Cspatial::mode_traits< Mode >
 Cspatial::details::mutate< Tp >Changes a const type into a mutable type
 Cspatial::details::mutate< const Tp >
 Cspatial::details::Node< Link >The basic node for any tree in the library
 Cspatial::details::Node< Kdtree_link< Key, Value > >
 Cspatial::details::Node< Relaxed_kdtree_link< Key, Value > >
 Cspatial::details::Node< spatial::details::Kdtree_link >
 Cspatial::details::Node< spatial::details::Relaxed_kdtree_link >
 Cspatial::details::Node_iterator< Link >A bidirectional iterator traversing all node in the tree in inorder traversal
 Cspatial::paren_less< Tp >A comparator that simplifies using the spatial containers with a Key type that has coordiates accessible via the parenthesis operator
 Cspatial::paren_minus< Tp, Unit >This functor uses the minus operator to calculate the difference between 2 elements of Tp along the dimension n accessed through the parenthesis operator
 Cspatial::perfect_balancingA policy that balances a node if the difference in weight between left and right is higher than 2 (two)
 Cspatial::details::Preorder_node_iterator< Link >A forward iterator that iterates through the node of the container in preorder transversal
 Cspatial::details::rebind_builtin_difference< Diff, DistanceType >If Diff is a builtin difference type, change the current unit of Diff to the DistanceType specified in the template parameter
 Cspatial::details::rebind_builtin_difference< accessor_minus< Accessor, Tp, Unit >, DistanceType >Specialization of rebind_builtin_difference for the built-in spatial::accessor_minus functor
 Cspatial::details::rebind_builtin_difference< bracket_minus< Tp, Unit >, DistanceType >Specialization of rebind_builtin_difference for the built-in spatial::bracket_minus functor
 Cspatial::details::rebind_builtin_difference< iterator_minus< Tp, Unit >, DistanceType >Specialization of rebind_builtin_difference for the built-in spatial::iterator_minus functor
 Cspatial::details::rebind_builtin_difference< paren_minus< Tp, Unit >, DistanceType >Specialization of rebind_builtin_difference for the built-in spatial::paren_minus functor
 Cspatial::details::relaxed_invariant_tagThe category of invariants for a k-d tree node: strict or relaxed
 Cspatial::details::Relaxed_kdtree< Rank, Key, Value, Compare, Balancing, Alloc >Detailed implementation of the kd-tree
 Cspatial::details::Relaxed_kdtree< details::Dynamic_rank, const Key, const Key, Compare, BalancingPolicy, Alloc >
 Cspatial::details::Relaxed_kdtree< details::Dynamic_rank, const Key, std::pair< const Key, Mapped >, Compare, BalancingPolicy, Alloc >
 Cspatial::details::Relaxed_kdtree< details::Static_rank< Rank >, const Key, const Key, Compare, BalancingPolicy, Alloc >
 Cspatial::details::Relaxed_kdtree< details::Static_rank< Rank >, const Key, std::pair< const Key, Mapped >, Compare, BalancingPolicy, Alloc >
 Cspatial::details::Relaxed_kdtree< Rank, Key, Value, Compare, Balancing, Alloc >::safe_allocator
 Cspatial::details::Kdtree< Rank, Key, Value, Compare, Alloc >::safe_allocator
 Cspatial::details::Static_rank< Value >The dimension value is set by a template value, thus consuming no memory
 Cspatial::details::template_member_assign_provider< bool, Tp >Perform a specialized assign for empty classes
 Cspatial::details::template_member_assign_provider< import::is_empty< Tp >::value, Tp >
 Cspatial::details::template_member_assign_provider< true, Tp >
 Cspatial::details::template_member_swap_provider< bool, Tp >Perform a specialized swap for empty classes
 Cspatial::details::template_member_swap_provider< import::is_empty< Tp >::value, Tp >
 Cspatial::details::template_member_swap_provider< true, Tp >
 Cspatial::tight_balancingA policy that balances a node if the difference in weight between left and right is higher than the current rank of the tree
 Cspatial::details::with_builtin_difference< Container, Enable >The generic helper class to determine if a container uses a built-in compare type
 Cspatial::details::with_builtin_difference < Container, typename enable_if< is_compare_builtin< Container > >::type >Retrieve the builtin difference functor on the condition that the compare functor used in Container is a builtin comparator